In-depth look at the tastes found in cigars

Cigars offer a wide range of tastes and flavour profiles, and these can vary based on factors such as the type of tobacco used, where the tobacco is grown, how the cigar is blended, and how it's aged. Here are some different cigar tastes and flavor profiles you might encounter:

  1. Sweet and Creamy: Some cigars have a smooth, creamy flavour with a touch of sweetness. This can be reminiscent of flavours like vanilla, caramel, or even marshmallow. It's often associated with Connecticut Shade wrappers.

  2. Nutty: Nutty flavours can include notes of almonds, cashews, or even hazelnuts. These are often mild and add a pleasant, slightly sweet element to the smoke.

  3. Spicy: Spicy cigars can have notes of black pepper, white pepper, or even more pungent spices like cinnamon or cloves. These can add some heat to the smoke.

  4. Earthy: Earthy flavours can be reminiscent of soil or wood, providing a solid foundation for other taste elements. These are often described as deep and grounding.

  5. Woody: Woody notes can include cedar, oak, or hickory. They add a layer of complexity and often provide a dry, crisp texture to the taste.

  6. Leathery: Leather flavours can be smooth, rich, and slightly sweet. They can contribute to the overall texture and experience of a cigar.

  7. Coffee: Coffee flavours can range from the bold intensity of espresso to the milder, sweeter notes of a latte. Coffee undertones can be both bitter and sweet.

  8. Fruity: Some cigars have fruity undertones, such as dried fruits, citrus, or even tropical fruit notes. These can add a refreshing and tangy element to the taste.

  9. Chocolate: Chocolatey notes can range from dark and bittersweet, akin to cocoa or dark chocolate, to sweeter and milkier chocolate flavours.

  10. Peppery: Peppery cigars can offer varying levels of spiciness, from mild white pepper to fiery red pepper. These can provide a zesty kick to the smoke.

  11. Floral: Floral flavours can be reminiscent of various flowers and herbs, adding a subtle, fragrant layer to the cigar's profile.

  12. Mineral: Mineral notes can sometimes be described as a stony or metallic taste. These are often quite subtle but can contribute to the complexity of the smoke.

  13. Herbal: Herbal flavours may include hints of tea, mint, or even grassy notes, providing a fresh and vegetal aspect to the taste.

  14. Savoury: Savoury flavours might remind you of spices, herbs, or even umami-rich elements like soy sauce. These can be quite unique and bold.

It's important to note that cigar tasting is highly subjective, and individuals may perceive flavours differently based on their palate and experience. Furthermore, the combination of flavours can change throughout the different stages of smoking a cigar, from the initial light to the final third of the smoke. This evolving complexity is what makes cigars a fascinating and diverse hobby for enthusiasts.

1 comment


Just finished my last of four cigars you all sent to me. The only difference I was able to taste was the different wrappers. Do each of your sticks share the same insides? All four drew well burnt well but I could not taste a big difference except for the wrappers. My bad maybe with a description of what to look for that would help. Nice cigars but was looking for more of a difference

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